Halo, panggil aja Migi. Paling sering gambar pake jari sama mouse, kadang gambar tradi juga. Pengguna setia Ibis Paint sama Ms Paint 👌

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Ozzy found a doll...

(Ozzy is based off of the precursor to Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Ortensia the cat (doll) was his girlfriend.)

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Bismillah smg rejeki, ini bbrp karya saya, dr awal sampe skrg pake mouse, lumayan mkn wkt & effort lbh krn setiap gambar buat sketsa sampe lineart jd dl di kertas trs scan/foto br bs lanjut digi, krn blm kesampean dpt pentab kalo rejeki jd bs explore skill & ilmu lbh banyak lg✌

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Luna's old team via mouse, Luna's new team via Tablet. Jinx made by

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Nemeth royal family: Prince Kael, Lord Karac, and Princess Mithian

(based on the Cadentibus Astris series by RhinoMouse, a Supergirl x BBC Merlin crossover fanfic: https://t.co/7ISRKTqOt3)

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Для очень красивой мышки, художника, да и в принципе очень милого человека:зз
С ужасным фоном и без
For a very beautiful mouse, an artist, and in principle a very nice person:зз
With or without a terrible background

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Entonces no tengo juicio sano (?
Dibujar a mouse se hace mas cuando no tienes la posibilidad de conseguir tableta gráfica o lápiz óptico
Aun así tienes toda la razón que la paciencia afecta
Aunque también saca de quizio xd (dibujos que he hecho a Mouse, el ultimo en MSPaint)

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Another commission for ! This time I introduce you to Lily the Mouse, another original character! Hope you like! 🐁💖

Do not forget to share it so that more people can know my work! 🥰

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Joining 👉🏻👈🏻🌸 digital edition!!
I first start digital art at 2013 using mouse, then got my first tablet in 2014, been practicing drawing a lot throughout the year and 2017 is the year i start to get some spark in digital art until now 2020.

2013, 2014, 2017, 2020 ✨ https://t.co/edcFfuM8GO

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como mal consigo desenhar no mouse, decidi fazer uns coloring, apesar de não conseguir usar meu brush favorito pra sombrear por causa da pressão shorei

ODEIO sombrear com o Blur, inferno

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🌺Vii • 20 • She/her/they/them🌺
🌸Hello! I am Vii, but you can also call me Antler. I’m currently a university student, and I do art as a hobby. I mostly do digital pieces on ms paint using a mouse, but I also paint bones and mount bugs. I hope you enjoy my stuff!🌸

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[23/08/2016] En esos tiempos empezaba a digitalizar dibujos, todo muy bien hasta ahi, pero un día se me ocurrió hacer un dibujo completamente con mouse, y lo termine en un día... luego de eso estuve mucho tiempo con dolor de muñeca

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Sou o Hiki, Tenho 17 , desenho no mouse, e no momento to tentando um bico de freelancer, amo arte, ilustrar, ler,escrever, editar.

artistas que eu admiro mtt tão nessa lista: https://t.co/fUsxuvd4t1

Sorteio on

meu traço muda quase tanto quanto eu, a priore, essa é minha arte:

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silly mouse, you can turn into a kitsune!

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Sou o Hiki, Tenho 17 , desenho no mouse, e no momento to tentando um bico de freelancer, amo arte, ilustrar, ler,escrever, editar.

artistas que eu admiro mtt tão nessa lista: https://t.co/fUsxuvd4t1

meu traço muda quase tanto quanto eu, a priore, essa é minha arte:

3 1

Sou o Hiki, Tenho 17 , desenho no mouse, e no momento to tentando um bico de freelancer, amo arte, ilustrar, ler,escrever, editar.

artistas que eu admiro mtt tão nessa lista: https://t.co/fUsxuvd4t1

meu traço muda quase tanto quanto eu, a priore, essa é minha arte:

0 0

Sou o Hiki, Tenho 17 , desenho no mouse, e no momento to tentando um bico de freelancer, amo arte, ilustrar, ler,escrever, editar.

artistas que eu admiro mtt tão nessa lista: https://t.co/fUsxuvd4t1

meu traço muda quase tanto quanto eu, a priore, essa é minha arte:

0 0

Sou o Hiki, Tenho 17 , desenho no mouse, e no momento to tentando um bico de freelancer, amo arte, ilustrar, ler,escrever, editar.

artistas que eu admiro mtt tão nessa lista: https://t.co/fUsxuvd4t1

meu traço muda quase tanto quanto eu, a priore, essa é minha arte:

0 0

Sou o Hiki, Tenho 17 , desenho no mouse, e no momento to tentando um bico de freelancer, amo arte, ilustrar, ler,escrever, editar.

artistas que eu admiro mtt tão nessa lista: https://t.co/fUsxuvd4t1

meu traço muda quase tanto quanto eu, a priore, essa é minha arte:

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