if i gotta drag out 2k14 art (first i get to borrow pentab + get to tumblr)

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Mayan lah buat pertama nyoba pentab :,,D yaallah maafkan ak krn keseringan tracing dari tradi jadi kagok ksldksl

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My latest work. Amazingly, both Photoshop and Pentablet are used! LOL

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not sure if ive posted this here but if my memory serves me right, this is my first artwork using pentab & firealpaca!!

just though it was a cute style and i might bring this back

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fanart Phyllis from

yea sorry i drew it with my mouse

i broke my pentab also my finance lol :V

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Small improvement for like 5 months.

From pentab to mouse.

I still need a fund for it.

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me: forgets to plug the wire
also me: why is my pentab not working?

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Stole a friend's pentablet during class because I was bored. :')

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Boi i found my classic illustration... Kalo ga salah ini gambar gambar awal2 pas latihan pake Pentab dulu

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Line nya buriq :"" semoga cepet dapet kerjaan biar bisa beli pentab :"

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got to draw alot with the new wacom pentab, and tbh its a lot more smoother to draw than the previous versions got to draw something good out of it 😊💖 gotta practice drawing more!!!

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Just starting using pentab.. I don't know if I can upload draw daily here..

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I've tried to coloring this lineart using my new pentab.
And yeah.... I tried it as best as I can.

Lineart by .
Sorry for taking a long time to post. 😅

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art journey!!!!!
2013 : i bought my pentab n for like 2months n used it without using the driver bcs i didnt know i have to install one SKDJKGKSJ 😭
2016 : first try @ lineless style!!
2017 : 1st bts fanart!!!
2018 : finally got over my fear of drawing bgs KSFJSDFJF

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2016 → 2019
Time when I first got my pentab and a few years later✨

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