ユーリ・ポロンスキ(Yuri Polonski)による「全容の発見」。ロシアのクリエイティブ・ディレクター。ボリショイ劇場や、聖ワシリイ大聖堂など実在する建築物をもとに、地下に埋まったその全容を想像力を働かせながら、幻想的に描き出しました。シューセフ建築博物館のため制作しました。

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New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/dhDoLkd9us

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From monks' sign language to an Anglo-Saxon Chronicle fragment, this newly ms has it all https://t.co/qV6w3dPb77

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Some fine April Fools around this morning. Here’s one of our own from ye olde issue 9. Good old Lazy Jack :-) (Art by Nina de Polonia)

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New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/dhDoLkd9us

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5月コミティアで頒布予定のPoPoLoN vol.8です。
スペシャルゲストでマシューさん( )が描いてくれました(すごい)

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New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/Zhp0NEzTxT

10 19

New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/Zhp0NEzTxT

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New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/Zhp0NEzTxT

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Estos poloneando como siempre 🙄👨‍❤️‍👨

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New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/Zhp0NEzTxT

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New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/Zhp0NEzTxT

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New artwork for sale! - "Poloniussa - red angelfish" - https://t.co/Zhp0NEzTxT

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This was originally just gonna be a quick sketch of smooches, but you know how that goes! My characters Tybalt (left) and Polonius (right)

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"Channa Maron" v u David Polonsky wird am Humboldt-Gym Vatterstetten ausgestellt. Die berichtet. https://t.co/kygbZQHTYN

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Polonius, everyone's favorite bird nerd. Noctowl are also large

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Joana Polonia shares her experiences in a way that is inspiring and personal. https://t.co/vXPrtNJ3Yx

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Joana Polonia shares her experiences in a way that is inspiring and personal. https://t.co/vXPrtNJ3Yx

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