"The Mimics walked with quiet façade, studying the reactions of all in sight. Your Gran once offered one a stroopwafel—her gran's recipe—but ended any interaction there. Claimed she saw the devil vining in his eyes."

7 40

Dips his
In coffee—
Gives the cookie
One more douse

Field slaves like him
Were never ‘sposed
To be in the
Big house

Don’t know why
He’s havin breakfast
When he should
Be runnin off

Master’s bloody
In the corner
His last breath
A gentle cough


14 115

I can
Feel you
Slipping through
My fingers
You still pretend
But your heart
Just isn’t
Into it
I no longer
Make you
I can tell
When you
Put on
An act
Just tell
The universe
Your soul
Is over it
Give it a
Because my
Energy can’t
Cope with

3 15

There's a crash of thunder
It knocked down my door
I hear them running on my grave

The tar has plundered
My mind is ravaged in sores
I fear there's nothing left to save

I can’t run for cover
It’s Lord
The white horse rides today

15 62

You may ask how it is that I am able to remember that day so clearly. You have not lived through it repeatedly, against odds, as I have done every day for ten years. That day is imprinted on my mind, painted in fear, despair and total clarity.

0 5

a dream catcher
eyes sapphire&carnelian
a dream2catch her
ephemeral chameleon
looser giving
violet ribbon
snatch her
she unravels at pull
of locus settle
myriad mind

lotus petals
he follows soon
spirit animal
wolf wild
in shine of
a strawberry moon

10 74

Poetic Abundance✍🏽

A heart infused with an array of poetic & emotions—joy, sorrow, anger, love, & hope; leveling up under a microscope—while embracing the of beauty & grace to win the race with positive acceptance & poetic abundance.

1 7

“I do love you,” he said. “But when I get home, I’m going to try to work things out with my wife.”


The word felt like a sliver of ice sliding down her throat––the kind that gets caught in your gullet and cuts like a knife until it melts.

0 23

The skies detailed more than sparks in your eyes, the unending candles they are. You mark the world with light on every kind gaze—but such aren't given free and the same fires can punish evil doings and their charade.

6 58

I came upon a lush patch of wildflowers amid brumal icing sugar. My hands brushed against its hues while the falling sky speckled my face, soft & brief as cotton candy on warm tongues & somehow just as sweet. You became spring matter.

8 52

My neighbor is
A naughty witch
Who turned me
To a sprite

My trouble is
I’ve always been
Of heights

The other sprites
Made fun of me
& my lack
Of flight

Til a
Took ‘em all
One dark
& stormy night

I was spared
As I walked
Safe from the
Seagull’s sight

28 152

"I became a child with curtained eyes, picturing everything in sanguine manner while the world's monstrous ways kept their relentless bridging of life and its spills."
"You're dead, aren't you?"

8 76

29 February🤔

The urge to is like a toad hidden beneath in fear—#rare and making it perfectly clear with twenty-nine days up in here—just one more day means it’s a leap year!✍️🏽#vsspoem

1 5

I must scourge your exhistence
I must you from my space
I must emerge from this much stronger
I must urge me to be nothing but great

1 8

For we are sin
You will burn
Under our most
Tender touch

Unwilling to meet
The deathly gaze
In our wild eyes

Your holy water
An elusive balm

Even as you try
You cannot pull away
For we are sin


8 24

in a
of the
stary night
I listen to
the stars
the tales
of our love
the horizons
written on
the sky
with the
divine ink
on the earth
and made
my heart sink

8 51

”My Coat of Armor”

...might be gray in color, but it's a mystical & magical shield of protection by God. It’s a joyful of peace & the strong survive & the weak can thrive, by all measures in a of pleasures.✍️🏽#vsspoem

1 11

Aubie was a but it didn't take her cheekbones to tell you that. It was her curled, almost elf-like right ear that spoke to the aristocracy in her blood. Funny, how one indulgent CRISPR edit, generations ago, could shift her fate today.

6 19

My anger rattles my bones and causes my eyes to tear
My teeth push against each other
My gums unable to handle the pressure
My mind is racing
Wrath is awake once again
But this time, there’s no controlling the beast that protects me

0 6

Truth was that Rory had always been But even before deciding to begin their transition, people had consistently misgendered, made fun of, and ignored them. What Rory had not expected, however, was how freeing it felt now to be nothing at all.

0 3