
作 2poet(@ YEEpoet)様
기타등등 낙서들 | 2poet https://t.co/Y9dpl1nSmA

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I know this is a day late, but I did want to say Happy Valentine’s Day to all ^^
This also marks the first time I’ve drawn in a chibi style as well. Hope ya’ll have a beautiful day.

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Not really seeing art of cinnamon roll in this costume, so might as well made one myself. Anyways, here’s my second ever digital drawing. Shading is a big weak point of mine, so I decided not to include it here for now. Maybe I’ll come back to this one day.

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Part 3 from 3 Set Girls' Frontline x Food/Drink Stickers that i'll sell,Team DEFY!

Pre-Order will be open once i woke up, i want to sleep first ;;w;;

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[Softshade Chibi] M4A1 from Girl's Frontline~

She a cutey

das all

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