Two for tonight! Happy with how the bird came out, the reptile was a lot more challenging but still fun! Also hard round brush club!

0 28

A pair of texture studies (1 hour each) for ! Both were very fun, but wow, that lizard dragged me over the coals. I'll have to return to that one just to give it the time it deserves.

1 39

LOTR Edition, I really am happy with how these came out.

1 37

Have to bail a bit early! Galadriel film study for
3hrs and my timelapse didnt record lmao

1 42

For I felt like Howard Pyle's illustration fit perfectly with my mood :V

4 59

Decided to participate in ⁦#StudyBuddies ! It was a lot o’fun, but gee whiz are ships not my forté

0 30

Very chill Howard Pyle study for tonight's :)

4 133

Recent and studies with buddies

2 25

Today’s - loved doing this one today. Chat was hilarious as per ❤️

0 30

Crabby 2h study, need to work on those shapes

0 30

Learning to paint with This is the first time I've tried to properly paint water, so hooray! First colour painting attempt in a long time too. :D

0 44

Had fun with some washy brushes in today's

2 36

couldn't seem to wrap my head around the study today so i just went self indulgent and painted cersei's portrait

0 40

Today's was a 2 hour screenshot study from Spiderverse 🍂

3 45

pair of 1hr
I chose to mostly focus on the faces today!

0 33

Today on the word of the day is "Fabric" :3 I did one as a warm up and took my time on the others. Though I also did spend half an hour looking for my new juggling balls ;_; where are you

2 28

I did one 2 hour study today. I meant to do two but then I got a bit lost in the ruffles.

0 28

getting more comfortable with fur/ feathers but i still am tooooo slow and it ate time i should've spent on the face

0 25