Yeah, actually. You say that sarcastically but it's true, it's refreshing to see someone in your situation actually be self aware.

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Vaccines can be scary for children, needles hurt! And some kids have really dumb parents who don't believe in science or modern medicine. Fighting that toxicity of anti-vax parents takes a village... good job Big Bird!

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Vaccines can be scary for children, needles hurt! And some kids have really dumb parents who don't believe in science or modern medicine. Fighting that toxicity of anti-vax parents takes a village... good job Big Bird!

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Clearly it's a conspiracy! After all, that is how you anti-vax people think...

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That's amazing! Thank you for actually believing the professionals and not the toxic people in this thread.

My daughter is also vaccinated, as am I. It's just common sense.

I'm glad your daughter has a good mom. We all need to do our part! Kids too. Big Bird will help, there.

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Lol, yeah using modern medicine as directed instead of believing nonsense conspiracy theories spread on social media is totally abuse...

Thanks Big Bird! You're the real hero here.

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It shouldn't be impressive or worth a photo op. It should be normal. Parents should trust professionals and vaccinate their kids.

Instead many parents are dumb and believe... junk on social media with no basis in reality.

Vaccine yourself and your kids.

P.S: ty Big Bird!

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I agree. It should not be special or cool, all parents should have common sense, believe professionals, and vaccinate their kids.

This is only impressive because so many parents are dumb and risking their kids' health for political reasons.

Get vaccinated. Also, ty Big Bird!

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This is Twitter. Why come here if not to get angry?

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Vaccines can be scary for children, needles hurt! And some kids have really dumb parents who don't believe in science or modern medicine. Fighting that toxicity of anti-vax parents takes a village... good job Big Bird!

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It's truly impressive he was able to do it!

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Humanity is doomed. Basic common sense is evaporating.

But, studies suggest catching COVID might lead to long term mental decline so... I guess it makes sense these anti-vax folks would keep getting worse.

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I couldn't agree more, the Big Bird thing being controversial is both hysterical and disappointing.

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Vaccines can be scary for children, needles hurt! And some kids have really dumb parents who don't believe in science or modern medicine. Fighting that toxicity of anti-vax parents takes a village... good job Big Bird!

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Vaccines can be scary for children, needles hurt! And some kids have really dumb parents who don't believe in science or modern medicine. Fighting that toxicity of anti-vax parents takes a village... good job Big Bird!

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