덕질에 너무 소홀했다...
나는 바보바보바보바보바보바보바보바보바보바보
그냥 넘기자니 가슴이 갈기갈기 백만갈래로 찢어져서 온 수진계에 아나바다할 기세라 급하게라도 챙겨요사존.. 사조오오오온... 춰비..... 셩르콰일러ㅜㅜ

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26 74

To our Yuheng of the Night Sky, Beidou Immortal, esteemed zongshi, Chu Fei, Shizun,
Happiest birthday to my comfort character, Chu Wanning~ 💖🎉

177 468

Ranwan’s Wedding!!!
Collaboration art with 灰渡子(Hui Du Zi) on Weibo for this special day~~~ I drew MoRan and Hui drew Wanning~)

920 2517

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANNING!!! Commissioned this a while back from the lovely flanpu and it is the cutest shit ever ❤️❤️❤️

Haha was gonna save this for when HYX aired but I am a 🤡

19 66

its a old wip i finished bc i had no time but uhh

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