Day 21 in my and I started adding some colors to the portrait 🎨 Painting in greyscale never felt natural to me so it’s a challenge, but now she’s finally coming to life!

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Day 20 in my and my girl is starting to come together nicely! Looking a bit too grumpy right now😅

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Day 19 in and one of the things they teach you in is to draw things you want to draw, even if you feel like you cant do it well. So today I jumped onto a portrait and having so much fun that I can’t wait to continue tomorrow! 🎉

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Day 52 Best Girl Rebecca no Debate any other answer is wrong I don’t know what else to tell you

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Day 49 Obligatory Toothpaste Posting The design is a 10 until that hairstyle that’s it for me chief

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100days challenge day 34


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100days challenge day 32
Keep telling myself I can draw more on my day off but I know this is how life passes by

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It’s Day 7 (I counted Day 3 twice apprently 😅) in my and I’m working on redoing a piece I made back in february for my brother. It’s ridden with weird anatomy, so it’s a difficult one!

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100days challenge day 28
休みで今日は何も気にせず描きまくった。Fresco 楽しいかも。メダリスト次来る漫画に選ばれたのが嬉しくて…描きすぎたかなぁ。


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Meet It's the most dependable in the pack. However, you don't want to be this enemy - it's super spit is worse than the goo from Sigourney would have trouble with this one!

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100days challenge day 27

司先生好きすぎ 誕生日に間に合ってよかった〜


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