Another cute little one for Mother's Day. :) Bunny hugs! 1684

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Born in 1676: King of Sweden (1676-1751)

Portrait by Georg Engelhard (1684-1750)

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The excellent British Baroque exhibition, Tate Britain. But a controversial portrait: Hortense Mancini by Benedetto Gennari (c1684). Public reaction to depiction of enslaved black children led to trigger warnings and Tate rewriting the label.

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まぐろさん(@ minase1684)からバトンいただきました☺️🌸ありがとうございます〜!

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Born in 1723: King of Denmark & Norway (1723-66)

Portrait by (1684-1762), 1736-41

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Cornelis Dusart (1660-1704)-'village feast'-oil on canvas-1684 Haarlem-Frans Hals Museum

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【海賊パッチーズ】 1684/2280

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Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756)の Assemblage des nouveau manouvries habillesという空想的なコスプレ?シリーズ。

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1684. 도검난무 - 니혼고

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2020 (10.0cmx14.8cm)


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Recalling Celia Fiennes, pioneering English & diarist. From 1684-1703 she rode through most of England on horseback with only 2 servants. Single & independent, her interests are innovations, new spas at Bath & Harrogate & visiting new ‘stately homes’

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Weekly Shonen Jump du 09/10/2002
Y'avais rien de bien fou, j'suis triste. Même les bons mangas c'était des chapitres randoms.

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🤡Pierrot contento,1712
🎨Jean-Antoine Watteau ( 1684 -1721), pintor francés. Es uno de los grandes genios del último barroco francés y del primer rococó. Se le atribuye la creación del género de las fêtes galantes: escenas de cortejo amoroso y diversiones, con un encanto idílico

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Jean-Antoine Watteau (October 10, 1684 – July 18, 1721) was a French painter-Pilgrimage to the Island of Cythera by (1717) Louvre-

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The Foursome
Jean-Antoine Watteau 1684-1721

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(1684-1786) a German engraver, artist, publisher who created or miniature With the help of two other artists under his employment the production of these continued after his death under the guidance of his daughters

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Born in 1684: French Painter (1684-1745)

Portrait of Princess of Wales (1719-72), 1742

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