【青木繁 あおきしげる】
1882-1911 福岡出身。洋画家。戦後には日本絵画浪漫主義的傾向。初め森三美に、上京し画塾不同舎の小山正太郎に、のち東美校の西洋画科選科で黒田清輝に師事。古代神話をモチーフに文化学的作風。ラファエル前派など19c英絵画の影響。海の幸,わだつみのいろこの宮, 黄泉比良坂

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Thoroughly enjoyed "The Everyday Sacred," a show at the Adil Shah Palace in Panjim, Goa, curated by . Among the objects is this late 19C Ravi Varma chromolithograph print of the Lakshmi decorated (by a one-time owner?) with textiles, pearls, and metal threads.

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How have indigenous plant names served as boundary objects in the history of science? My article in looks at case studies from botany & anthropology in 19C Aotearoa & elsewhere: https://t.co/THPibuX6KH

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Darkly atmospheric sketches by Victor Hugo, 19C author of Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame

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楊洲周延 明治二十年
『舞踏会 上野櫻花観遊ノ図』


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3월 9일 정밀 보급 UP 예정 안내

정밀 보급 UP 내용
3/9 12시(금)~3/12 12시(월)
☆4 무기 에너지 트랜스퍼
☆4 성흔 잔혹한 창 세트: 신·말 (상, 중, 하)

3/12 12시(월)~3/16 12시(금)
☆4 무기 행성 파괴자 19C
☆4 성흔 잔혹한 창 세트: 신·말 (상, 중, 하)

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Scottish writer James Hogg (1770-1835) is probaly best known for his psychological Gothic Novel 'Confessions of a Justified Sinner' (1824) inter alia, but he also produced some great ghost stories - the revenge tale 'Mary Burnet' is regarded as one of the finest in the 19c.

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19c 결혼식 장면들 정말 예쁜듯 신부 들러리의 드레스도 하얀색인게 인상적❣️

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19C Austrian Aloys Zötl spent 50 yrs painting his bestiary ~ Boa Constrictor / Cheetah / Elk https://t.co/tWhCloCLFJ

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Day 4: Fashion
19c French style and Korean traditional costume.I am sorry If I have made some mistake.

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《能装束 間道縞に桜蜘蛛巣模様縫箔》江戸時代・19C。

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1823年8月8日 テオドール・オーギュスタン・リボが北フランスのサン=ニコラ=ダッツに生誕。

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개인적으로 헤드드레스도 19c후반이 예쁜것 같아요!(소곤소곤)

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In the early 19C the aristocracy dined in style eating from Nantgarw

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19C naturalist/artist Ernst Haeckel coined the term “ecology”. Here are pics from his Art Forms of Nature 1904

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화사한 분위기의 19c 초반 로맨틱 드레스

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