been drawing furries for 10 whole years

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I couldn’t find a 2009 drawing but here’s 2010vs2019 instead!

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I guess I really like lounging mermaids and mini watercolor paintings, huh? Here’s a 2.5x3.5” mermaid I made in 2010 and a 3x3” (not including border) mermaid I made this year.

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Maybe I'm strange, but I love looking back and seeing just how far I've come.

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Here's some start of the decade and end of the decade art. My weird goop monster really got an overhaul on their face over the years.

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Well, it’s good to see improvment! I should draw more background and colored piece tought

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on the left is from 2012. designs on the right have changed! couldn't find anything from that far back, but I still get the point across

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A very rough because I don't have any sketchbooks/art pieces from when I was smöl

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- Almost 10 years. Pf.
- 10 years it's not "pf". It's TEN. FUCKIN'. YEARS.

I had a quite long interruption in drawing (~4-5 years) and now I'm gonna make up for lost time💪

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My art at the beginning (2010) and at the end of the decade (2019) QuQ9

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Can't believe 2019 is ending! Here's my art.

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uhh start of decade vs end of decade art!! (´・ω・`)

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I didn't have a tablet in 6th grade

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Sadly can't find any of my art from 2010, the closest I could get was 2012!

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Beginning of the Decade - End of it
Got better with everything but still not good enough 😂all that changed was anime-me glowing up
Will be redrawing the older one as well :3

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I'm joining the band Wagon! @ My Art Comparison -2010 vs 2019- !

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