Re: Zero Volume 32: All new coloured illustrations! DAMNNNN, Otsuka went HARD.

99 823


237 1034

A4000マシン(16GB)で検証してみました。xformers-off, onほぼ変わらずでしたがoffのみ結果だけ載せます。
768x768までTesla T4と同じ画像出力を確認
左上: 704x704 右上: 768x768
左下: 832x832 右下: 1024x1024
832x832: Tesla T4と構図はほぼ同じ。細部が少し異なる
1024x1024: 全体が異なる

0 3

Day 432: Flats added! I thought green would complement her skin. Shadows and Highlights tomorrow

2 4

Day 32... is it 32? Yes DAY 32:
50 pushup
50 situp
40 squats... LEGS!!! I don't even have legs right NOW!! >w<

1 12

Day132:Golden sunset over the great ark🌇🌊🚢:)

6 41


899 5422

32: Ashram & Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War

0 1

詩篇32:7 「You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah」
Psalm 32:7 ESV 新改訳©2017 新日本聖書刊行会.ESV

2 13

Cantrips & Crits: Episode 32: .... Instead of Reflecting on Themselves, They Blamed Each Other

A very lucky nat 20 guilding bolt (?) managed to turn the tide in his fight with Cyanwrath.....

Or did it?

2 2


0 8

Post Kawashiro Nitori by ねっちー

Artist's pixiv:

1 7

三女神転生伝 32: 戦闘監獄
↓より【無料】で読めます。 より

21 111

Patron request Dr.Dawson (The Great Mouse Detective)

0 11