"Some stars shine so bright, that they burn out before their time". (1947-2016)

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初監督作『Neige』(81)のインタヴュー https://t.co/czTvhWLGEP

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状況劇場所属時、石川五右衛門を演じたTV『黄金の日日』('78)で豊臣秀吉を襲撃する場面 https://t.co/QTqPLImJOu
主演した傑作『その後の仁義なき戦い』(79工藤栄一) https://t.co/DUk21JsQQz
『夜がまた来る』(94石井隆) https://t.co/cr3SF987NQ

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Brilliant exhibition with work from 1947-2019, including paintings, drawings & interesting studies & prep work. Gorgeous colours. Love the Klee idea of ‘taking a line for a walk’.

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㊗️12月9日 漫画家 誕生(1947-)
でキャラクターデザインと作画監督を担当。その後、漫画 に取り組み、独自の解釈でローマとエルサレムの二重支配に苦しむイスラエルの民ヨシュアの視点から、人間イエスが神とされていく物語を描きました。

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Switch買ったのでフレンドなってくれる方いたらよろしくお願いします( ´ ꒳ ` )ノ

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12月22日(日)会場:大阪城 野外音楽堂
私は13:50から出演します!素敵な1日にしたいと思います^ ^

大阪府大阪市中央区大阪城3−11  ☎️06-6947-1197

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another from YG Srimati(1926–2007) depicting musical instrument or Yazh

She had studied graphics in the Art Student League, New York
Celestial Musician (Lyre Player), 1947-48. Watercolor on paper, photo Lent by Michael Pellettieri
retro held at
Ajanta inspired

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I must change my life so that I can live it, not wait for it.
—Susan Sontag, from Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1964

artwork by https://t.co/nZdomSvPrJ

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Ça faisait longtemps qu'un fond d'atelier ne m'avait fait autant vibrer ! Bienvenu, sur les cimaises de la galerie aux oeuvres de l'artiste 🇻🇪 Luis ARNAL (1947-2011)

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A Chinese village in northern China, 1947-1948, archives of the Crooks.

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Scouter Unit: E-947-0

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NOW AVAILABLE The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies: 1947-1949 https://t.co/5xhNFT7NjU ⬅️

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NOW AVAILABLE The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies: 1947-1949 https://t.co/5xhNFT7NjU ⬅️

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NOW AVAILABLE The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies: 1947-1949 https://t.co/5xhNFT7NjU ⬅️

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NOW AVAILABLE — Superman: The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies: 1947-1949 https://t.co/5xhNFT7NjU ⬅️

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NOW AVAILABLE — Superman: The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies: 1947-1949 https://t.co/5xhNFT7NjU

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NOW AVAILABLE — Superman: The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies: 1947-1949 https://t.co/5xhNFT7NjU ⬅️

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Superman: The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies: 1947-1949 https://t.co/5xhNFT7NjU

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