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Captain Marvel #28/162
Words @79SemiFinalist
Art @jacopo_camagni Espen Grundetjern
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
Good golly! Carol has been through so much lately and now she's taking on the mystical arts!
Plus we've got a fantastic new artist!
And ANOTHER banger costume!
Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #3
Words @artofmmignola @TomSniegoski
Art @craigrousseau @Dragonmnky
Abcs @ClemRobins
This has been the most adventurous Hellboy book ever!
It's like Hellboy dropped right into a dime store pulp fiction novel and it's been a great ride!
Wonder Woman #771 / Young Diana Backup
Words @beckycloonan @michaelwconrad / @RedCube_Studio
Art Travis Moore @TBonvillain /@PlinaGanucheau @kendallgoode
Abcs @Becca_See / @droog811
What a refreshing take on aWonder Woman book!
Who cares about Greek gods when we got the NORSE!
The Joker #2 / Punchline backup
Words @JamesTheFourth / @DipsOff
Art @GuillemMarch Arif Prianto / @Mirkand @rfajardojr
Abcs @TENapolitano / @CommentAiry
Two awesome stories for the price of one!
First is James Gordon going after a Joker on a run!
And Punchline mania is here!
Home #1
Words @JulioAnta
Art Anna Wieszczyk @BryanValenza
Abcs @HassanOE
An immigrant story bigger than than life!
A boy is taken away from his mother at the US border and a secret power awakens in him!
Y'all won't wanna miss this!
The Swamp Thing #2
Words @therightram
Art @MikePerkins_ @SpicerColor
Abcs @adityab
At the risk of accidentally spoiling I gotta tell yall this is one of the coolest main continuity DC book!
The new avatar of the green and A mysterious for.
Looks exciting!
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #9
Words @GWillowWilson
Art @ArtofNickRobles @_matlopes_
Abcs. @SimonBowland
Is Ruin about to *$!@ a minotaur?
The Fae are so damned horny 😅
Beasts of Burden: Occupied Territory #1
Words @evandorkin @colorkitten
Art @BenjaminDewey
Abcs @blambot
Dogs fighting the forces of supernatural evil.
If you're not sold already idk how else to help you 😂
The Amazing Spider-man #63
Words @nickspencer
Art @FedeVice_Art @Sinccolor
Abcs @JoeCaramagna
Wow what an awesome call back to a classic Spidey moments!
The Tombstone / Robbie rivalry is coming in strong and I can't wait to see it!
C is for Cockatoo for @AnimalAlphabets ‘ Rainforest themed ABCs
#animalalphabets #cockatoo #illustration #rainforest
Strange Adventures #9
Words @TomKingTK
Art @MitchGerads @DocShaner
Abcs @ClaytonCowles
I'm just in absolute awe everytime this books comes around.
The craft, the HEART that's put into this series is unparalleled
Grant and Gibbons didn't know they were making a masterpiece 1/2
Sea of Sorrows #4
Words @rdouek
Art @AlexCormack4 Mark Mullaney
Abcs @JustinBirch
A horror story wrapped up in a gangster story wrapped up in a treasure hunting story.
Multi-faceted story told by some great creators!
The Other History of the DC Universe #3
Words John Ridley
ART Giuseppe Camuncoli, Andrea Cucchi, @josevillarrubia
ABCs Steve Wands
I mean if you're into comics, you're already buying this book.
🖤 Fanart ABCs, G for Geralt of Rivia... obviously 🤭
🖤 I am so ready for the week-end, 12 hours of sleep and eating chips in the bed, HERE I COME LET'S GOOO 😵
#TheWitcher #GeraltOfRivia #fanart
Of course, our Spring Sale collection includes plenty of books - all for 15% off! The Secret Loves of Geeks Anthology, The ABCs of RPGs, Rat Queens Comics, and more are all on sale from now until March 27th! View the full collection at https://t.co/juX5NPBqQe
Harley Quinn #1
Words @Steph_Smash
Art @rileyrossmo1 @ivanplascencia
ABCs @deronbennett
..yes I'm getting all four of these covers
This maybe the team I was dying to read forever.
Steph and Riley I've been following for a while now but to see them both on a book? ☠️
Batman: White Knight: Harley Quinn #6
Words Katana Collins, Sean Murphy
Art @ScaleraMatteo @Dragonmnky
ABCs @andworlddesign
You know when there are too many things going on in a book it makes it worse?
Opposite here!
So many great things I want to talk about!
280 characters 😡
A is for @AnimalAlphabets new Rainforest themed ABCs done up in more of my Children’s book style.
#AnimalAlphabets #amazonriverdolphin
🖤 Fanart ABCs, F for Fiona... From Shrek... I.............. Yeah, Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
#fanart #ArtistOnTwitter #digitalart