day 3 n now moved on to environments, have a look at the kind gang we have for the game.
we all worked very hard, cant wait to play our game!!
Go Professional Noisemakers!!!

2 5

One of the members of the team suggested I sprite Allie riding on Winston's back. I couldn't help myself with these two :)

7 28

Day 3 of and I'm experimenting with backgrounds, I have learnt: I can't do pixel art rocks.... Think I'll have to do some practice after the jam...

14 61


「赤裸々E.P.」5/26 発売です!

2 10

JAPAN JAMいる人でこのイラストのteeシャツ譲ってくれる方いませんか?

0 0

IL·LUSTRA’M! (Edició a casa, 2021)

Podeu llegir
“La rebel·lió dels follets del bosc”
escrit per
Abril Marco Paredes (11 anys)
amb il·lustració de...

en aquest enllaç

2 6



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As we begin another new week, we would like to recognise our friends at for all their charitable work to empower, support and equip BAME women in Cardiff and South East Wales.

Their Projects:

1 4

Parte de los diseños! Es la primera vez que me meto en un proyecto de este tipo y me lo pasé genial!

2 6

el plazo de entrega ya ha finalizado, hemos dormido poco pero estamos muy contentos con el restultado

6 28

So close! This deadline might not be in the cards for us but we had a blast!! We'll get something up on itch when it's in a playable state!

0 4

最近はこんな絵を描いてる、リターンライダーにはまだまだ帰り咲けそうにないおばちゃん保育士です(_ _)


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フレッシュさはじける甘酸っぱい恋のお話から、大人の素直じゃない恋心まで、あなたの「面白い」に響く読み切りマンガ5作品をお届け📚💖読めるのは だけ💕


6 43

Celebrating day 27 and 28 of with these pieces by Kell artists, Farzam Dizna and Emma Shanklin.

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Here's a really digital drawing from Bow in my AP class inspired by artist Salvador to celebrate

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My entry, At Season's End!
"A lone spirit goes on a journey to find their friend and bring back spring."
Thanks for watching my progress - I hope you enjoy the results! You can play it now on my page!

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