- Hey. traced your art and trying to gain off it.

She mostly posts on FB and DA (her DA is the same name - can DM her FB’s). I wouldn’t bother trying to message or comment on anything of hers. She’ll just block you.

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Hey twitter! Could you help me with an issue? People keep reposting my fanart, and they don’t usually give credit.. So if you see this image, please ask them to credit me!

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your seller has stolen our Italian American Multinational Patriot Flag design and is illegally selling on the marketplace. What is your process to remove our design?

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Woooooooooowww, so I guess someone was nice enough to share my picture on r/wholesomememes but wasn't so wholesome that they'd forget to CROP OUT MY SIGNATURE AT THE BOTTOM! Classy. Oh and someone else stole it to sell on facebook. I guess I should be flattered.

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Some person stole my GB10 artwork and is now selling it on a shirt. Having removed my signature saying it's an original. LOL Like why? https://t.co/SVQDEmJcLd |

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I was alerted that is selling an unauthorized copy of my design on a tee shirt. This is theft!

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If there is one message that I would spread is 's "Stop Art Theft Lets make this a thing!

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