Your finesse at shading muscles is also really developing well.. I'm slightly shocked at how well you rendered the muscle in the back of Adora's thigh, such a rare-to-see detail that looks here absolutely beautifully drawn😊💪🥰(this right here... such a gorgeously subtle work)

0 1

about time someone addressed Adora's constant abuse against Adora

2 46

i just realized that this is scorpia's first ball which means this happens after adora's future vision

20 137

I colored them in and holy shit I'm in love.

Who knew hands could be fun to draw when you actually practice drawing them

I'm so proud of myself you do understand.

(Also idk why there is blood on Adora's hand)

0 0

quote tweet this with adora's google search history

6 61

6: which piece took the longest?

Oh mannnn

It's so hard to know which one did cos I zone out and draw and then suddenly it's been 8 hours, but I do remember I spent hours drawing Adora's rhinestones in this cos I was exhausted after lmao

0 3

Catra from @/ilikeyoucatradora's Despara AU!

57 406

I must say.. that any time Catra is drawn holding Adora's face.. it feels like literally the most intimate gesture she knows.. since she'd used her claws to mark Adora's face so many times- that touching it softly like that feels like a promise never to hurt her like that again😭

0 23

hello have you appreciated Adora's back today

48 267

Here's a thread that I just couldn't get out of my head... of the parallels between Adora's transformation in Save the Cat and in The Iron Giant... when the Giant thinks Hogarth died, and goes full berserk warmachine... (1/6)

10 55

Either of these good? Adora's face in that first one... so happy... and Catra's genuine look of fear at her biggest dread becoming reality... both are such great frames and studies in expressions..

0 6

I just think Adora's future every day clothes > show off those biceps 💪

64 496

And these 3 panels..are the best showing of emotion you've made. I love how Adora's eyes start drooping closed. And the way it looks like Catra's softly gasping from Adora's moving in to kiss her is so cute.. and I love how Catra's eyes then droop closed as emotions overwhelm her

0 1

The way Catra instantly starts blushing the second she sees Adora is so precious... a similar to how Adora's anxiety from not being able to find Catra is making her play with Catra's tail to keep her hands occupied as stress-relief.. also love how her eyes go from that contact...

0 2

It's so heartbreaking how she's sitting beside their picture, sitting on Adora's bed... to be as close to her only friend and love as she could be.. even though she's gone🥺
And wow.. love how you drew her kneecaps(the dips under the caps) and arms, so lovely how they're drawn☺️

0 2

Adora's teary eyes during save the cat are the reason I'll never be completely happy

21 119

Let's just say the final ended with Adora's hair down and Catra a smitten kitten
Happy Pride lovelies 💖🌈

14 53

Toradora's got something for everyone

Gremlin, no thoughts, and whore

3 4

And this one of She Ra desperately holding Catra after their kiss.. Catra holding on as if its her last moment together...truly breaks my heart on so many levels.. the way Adora's cradling the back of her head and back...holding her for the first time knowing that she loves her..

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