Today is World Television Day! 📺

Betty is honouring Peppa Pig from one of the most popular kids TV shows. Look out for muddy puddles today!

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Today is National Princess Day!

Plenty of Disney Princess movies you could watch today. Betty is dressed as Cinderella. So release your inner Princess today!

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Nasturtium the jolly,
O ho, O ho!
He holds up his brolly
Just so, just so!

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Today is National Homemade Bread Day! 🍞

Why not have a go at making some homemade bread today!

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Today is National Button Day!

Betty is dressed from the fantasy film Coraline where she comes across people with button eyes!

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Lovely, lovely things for L!
Lilac, Lavender as well;
And, more sweet than rhyming tells,
Lily-of-the-Valley’s bells

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Today is Operating Room Nurse Day!

Why not play a game of 'Operation' today?

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Today is World Origami Day!

Origami features in the brilliant film Kubo & The Two Strings.

Why not try some origami today?

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Today is Sesame Street Day.

Celebrating the show and all the great characters that have come from it including Ernie, who Betty is dressed as.

Who's your favourite Sesame Street character?

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Today is British Pudding Day!

Betty is dressed as Plum Pudding, a character from the Strawberry Shortcake series.

What's your favourite pudding?

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Today is National STEM/ STEAM Day!

Celebrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. This day encourages students to be more involved in these subjects.

Betty is dressed as scientist Doc Brown from Back to the Future!

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Today is National Saxophone Day! 🎷

Betty is dressed as Lisa Simpson who loves to play her saxophone!

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Today is Gunpowder Day!

Remember remember the 5th of November! The day to recognise Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up British Parliament in 1605!

Enjoy any firework celebrations planned today! 🎆

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