Wow. This is clearly a reference to Richard Spencer - the white nationalist - being punched by a someone- possibly antifa. Antifa is also not anti-governemnt last I checked. They're just anti fascist which... the horror? The poor nazis are being harassed by the non nazis. 💀💀💀

0 2

Vous connaissez peut être les moumines, ces petits trolls blancs bien choupi. Et ben le saviez vous ? Tove Jansson qui les a créés était une femme lesbienne et antifasciste. Une reine je pense

4 34


Há 52 anos a ditadura militar assassinou o revolucionário Carlos Marighella, um dos símbolos da luta antifascista em nosso país.

131 483

Le dessinateur officiel Plantu (qui nous a bloqué sur twitter) publie "ça" : les antifascistes animalisés, qui seraient les "attachés de presse" d'un pétainiste.

Plantu tente de cacher qu'en 2 mois, 14 000 articles de presse française ont parlé de Z*mmour. 230 par jour.

215 538

Ejercicio del taller de ayer. Personaje basado en un Brief aleatorio de palabras: Hombre lobo, educado, detective, rojo y antifaz. Gracias a por ese taller tan interesante.

1 5

" Una perrita peludita blanca con antifaz de Batman por favor Gus"


19 101

“Under this mask, another mask. I will never be finished removing all these faces.” ― Claude Cahun
I was happily surprised to see Cahun as a today. She was an incredible artist & antifascist who has inspired Alan Moore, Cindy Sherman & many others

1 2

Actually, at the moment the media (mostly right-wing) is trying to see Antifa. (Even though Antifa is NOT an organized group and is an abbreviation for anti-fascist.

92 185

als Zeuge vor Gericht: "Antifa und Linke waren bei der Demo schwarz angezogen und hatten Masken an!"
Richter: 🤔
Zeuge weiter: "Also, die haben mehr abgedeckt und vielleicht hatten sie sogar Make-Up drauf!"
Ah shit, jetzt haben sie uns erwischt!
Ich vor den Demos:

2 20

E alfine grazie alla signora (che non conosco: palesati!) che mi ha portato alla manifestazione antifascista. (foto da )

138 1111

Sì, è una scelta di campo. Da una parte l'antifascismo cuore della Costituzione repubblicana, dall'altra i nipoti dei repubblichini che si travestono da SS e fanno "Heil Hitler" alle cene elettorali. Almeno la decenza di stare lontani dal Ghetto.

230 955

Non posso esserci
ma posso crederci e ci credo, convintamente

Proteggiamo la Democrazia con la bellezza dell'antifascismo da cui è sbocciata libera e felice

Amo l'Italia 🇮🇹
e per amore si resiste...

Non un passo indietro


156 526

𝑴𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝑩𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒊

25 64

hello i'm very american look at how american i am please buy my art americans thank you i'm not Dutch don't worry # constitution 5th amendment bill of rights george washington antifa.jpeg 🤌😩🤌 fr*ck snow mexicans amirite. 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇺🇸🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷 i love mcdonalds.

1 2

absolutely disgusting...

they'll never get anyone to show up with such a sh*tty poster.
for 40$ i'll replace the FBI's number with yours. hire me
(I'll do antifa posters too!)

0 2

Impresionante dibujo de Ramon F. Bachs aparecido en el cuarto boletín de la Asociación de Amigos del Guerrero del Antifaz.
Muchas gracias,
En breve, publicaremos el boletín 5 para los socios. Mas información en

1 13

„Mit großem Vorsprung:
AfD in Sachsen laut aktueller Umfrage klar stärkste Kraft“

12 48