this woman’s audacity to try to lie grandpa lombardi’s face lmao but he told her that if she doesn’t confess her relationship with vestian, she’ll be handed over to the imperial guards for stealing something from the lombardi (necklace). she got caught, good job tia 😚

112 791

A while ago while I was at the airport, I was chatting with friends to pass the time, and at one point, I uttered the phrase "Paper Warlock and the Audacity of This Bitch".

It's been burning a hole in my brain, so I made a Paper Mario inspired me.

4 11

The absolute audacity of Murdoch....!!! 😭

4 20

Some of these elves even have SIBLINGS and one of them even has a WIFE
The audacity...

1 15

the fucking audacity to trace a tribute piece is disgusting

3 39

tia found out that vestian gave the necklace he stole from shananet to his mistress and she was boasting about it so tia threw her juice at her face bc her audacity pissed her off 💀

116 756

These are the best pics i could get from the little ass kid who had the AUDACITY to try and copy me as if that was a good idea <3 As u can see their skin isnt as refined as mine and has wings, however almost everything else is the same.

0 1

sunhee: what?! you dont want to marry me?!
jaehyun: uh? why did this conversation turn out like that?

and jinyoung really has the audacity to ask, "why do i feel like theyre fighting every time i see them? are they really lovey dovey?" lmaoo😭

sunhee: its because of you two!💢

3 10

The audacity to call yourself that. Quite the oxymoron of a statement in the first few lines + places like Guardian HQ etc. being cited as "talented". God no.

2 7

Found this on my alt so apologies, but I'm autistic, making me disabled. I may not be the best but at least I had the audacity to improve my skills, unlike the ableist idiots behind this mindset.

0 0

Saza redesign! Saza changed the most except hair color really 😅 hair length, clothes style, gender and sexuality, personality fixes, job career, but I'm obsessed with the sheer audacity the design gives off. I still have to make their tattoo and scar map though 😔

0 5

this pokemon litterally looks like a corn filled pile of shit and they have the audacity to make him a LEGENDARY

0 4

When your internet friend has the audacity to fall asleep because they're in a different time zone!

6 17

How I be staring at my computer as I realize that my hard work got erased because I had the audacity to save it to a different drive so I wouldn’t have to pay a monthly subscription

0 5

I don't really have a good recording setup nor the programs to make it sound peachy so it's just my vanilla mic and audacity right now lmfao

Thank you for letting me voice this! I hope you like it ♥♥

100 602

The audacity to still show his face in front of her after all what he has done, UGH. She deserves so much better 😭

58 547

The audacity of Light to be sad about L’s death in (most) of the adaptations kills me everytime (also I’m having feelings for the musical again)

118 585

the audacity of her stealing my stuff as im dying

0 1

he got caught by shananet for stealing money from lombardy and hes still trying to gaslight her by saying that he did all of that because he loves her ... the audacity

201 1422