Hi everyone! My name is Olivia Williams and I’m an aspiring artists seeking work as a visual development artist and/or background painting
Email: Owilliams4292.com

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Also interested in backgrounds and building design!
💼: https://t.co/QuS4FFmh4L
✉️: domastri.com

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Hi! I'm Mirelle Ortega. I'm an artist looking for work in animation. I have experience as an illustrator (clients include HarperCollins and OMD LA) and I've done for small productions.
🔮 https://t.co/2JjRj7AuvL

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My name is Laura Arce, I am a background painter and concept artist currently looking for in-house or freelance work in animation. I have experience in short films and comics.

💼 https://t.co/cV64GAWQkW
✉️ lunatrickla.com

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My name is Audrey Gonzalez, I am an artist currently looking for work in animation! I have 4 years of experience, most recently at Disney TV Animation as a background painter on Elena of Avalor.
💼: https://t.co/ioBAY8PMiQ
✉️: audrey.com

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This was an art test I did a while back for the new Rise of TMNT show. Didn't get it, but I had a ton of fun doing it.

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Here is the reverse of the underwater palace background painting from yesterday. It was really fun playing in this space for a while!

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Sirena palace royal chamber painted for Elena of Avalor: Song of the Sirenas. This is one of my absolute favorite backgrounds to date. I could paint underwater castles all day long... and I have! 🧜‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️

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