昼下がりの関西空港で整然と肩を並べて駐機するのは香港のフラッグキャリア、キャセイパシフィック。日本である事を忘れてしまいそうな空間がここにはあります。2019.02 KIX 関西

2 14

I am a Boeing 747

0 0


0 2

天月-あまつき- - Flight Light ~星くずとBoeing~ / それはきっと恋でした。


0 1

Boeing upgrades special operations’ unique helicopter


33 91

Sat on the loo and a moth the size of a Boeing 747 flies in the window and starts crashing about like a dizzy drunk person in a dodgem car, it knocked all the pictures off the wall and cracked the sink when it tried to land.
proud of myself for not screaming like a child.

8 78

Boeing releases concept images of its new Advanced Eagle fighter aircraft


58 104

Boeing stocks after the U.S grounding order.

0 0

US Boeing YCGM-121B Seek Spinner kamikaze drone

13 29

If you had to choose by the looks what would it have been? Lockheed or Boeing?🤔

11 40

What if the Boeing 747 became a bomber

46 130