Day 423

And here's my personal Character challenge, for Quite an interesting Blacksmith character from last year, I will most likely get to redrawing her

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Day 421

You know what they say, you
Either they stick to you long enough,
Or unstick as soon as danger Arises 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♂️

1 2

Little Girl that Can't see, and her Little Fairy Friend, that Always follows her, That's how they live along-sideeach other
Day 407

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Day 403
And finally : living in the same camp as the 3 others, somewhere in the pit, it's dangerous to stay alone, but why is she even out of the camp to begin with 🤔?

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Day 397
A young that guards all the secret knowledge of his families , That protect, gathers information and look after the Shadow Lurkers from Century to Century

1 10


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もう始まりましたが関西けもケ8【か-08 BeastTrail with 青的書庫】設営完了です!何とかロジ天新刊も出ました_(┐「ε:)_ やたら神々しいみちるちゃんがお待ちしてます。どうぞよろしくです!

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Mondays were made for Metal as the legacy continues! Every Maiden show is an unforgettable memory and last night was another legendary experience! Up The Irons!🤘

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oi my bn is BeasttrollMC#1125

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