Apple Bloom: 🎵Watch!🎵
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo: 🎶Out!🎶
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: 🎶'Cause here we come! It's been a while, but, we're back with style, so! Get, set, to have some fun! We'll bring you action, and satisfaction!🎶

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Apple Bloom: Right! We have a to give to …!
Sweetie Belle: ……!
Scootaloo: …and …!
Cutie Mark Crusaders: …The original voices of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, the Powerpuff Girls!

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This is Gothabelle: She's my take on a goth version of ACNH's Isabelle created by , but mashed up with the tall proportions I used for a drawing of Isabelle from a while back. (see it on the last frame.)

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Sweetie Belle: Hi Granny Smith!

Scootaloo: Who knew we’d find you here?

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Unikitty: *deep inhale* Oh my gosh this place looks so amazing I’ve never seen anything like this oh my gosh there’s a roller coaster in this hotel there’s games food dancing *she goes on and on and on*

Sweetie Belle: Yep, she likes it.

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Sweetie Belle: Wait until you see what’s INSIDE this hotel!

*they show their tickets to the hotel staff and Unikitty was breath taken*

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*the hot air balloon slowly lands and the crusaders follow Unikitty into Las Pegasus*

Sweetie Belle: This looks amazing!

Scootaloo: It sure is crowded here!

Applebloom: Granny Smith sure is lucky to be able to come here with her friends sometimes!

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Sweetie Belle: Yeah, you know you can rely on your friends, Unikitty! All you have to do is ask for help.

Unikitty: (Rely... on my friends...)

Applebloom: There are some things ya can’t do alone.

Scootaloo: But when you can, it’s still better with friends by your side!

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Ubelle: Ok, so my student bought a "Swimsuit" for me... Do you guys want me to wear that swimsuit?

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Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: LACHLAN DINGO!!

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Facebook memories.
In Belle: Hearts & Minds (Zenescope) I dealt with this weird pair of Hitmen, I had fun with them😊

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Sweetie Belle: Of course we do! We’ve never had this much fun before you came here!

Applebloom: So, whaddya say, Unikitty?

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So Here's Belle.
Still haven't moved on from this film
JP: 竜とそばかすの姫 (Ryū to Sobakasu no Hime)
EN: Belle: The Dragon and the Freckled Princess (2021)

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*the three of them laugh together as they catch up to Sweetie Belle at a small snack shack with a large cake eating contest banner hanging above it*

Sweetie Belle: *staring hungrily at the huge cakes presented for the competition*

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Sweetie Belle: Look everypony, Manehatten is just up ahead! *points out to the window*

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Applebloom: Oh, we’d LOVE to hear more about him! Can you tell us?

Sweetie Belle: *she ran back to the group, holding a piece of paper in her mouth* Girls! Girls! Look at this!

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Sweetie Belle: We also told him we’re helping you find the rest of the stones!

Shining Armour: About that, crusaders...

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Sweetie Belle: We came here to tell you Flurry Heart was home alone!

(they left her home to keep her safe from Discord, so they already know.)

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