Bob--Eehh, Boi, ini edisi gambar mensquishy-squsihy trio ori 😌✨ //pegang pipi doang siih hahaa

39 100

Okay I want to scream out loud that "Luv u so much Halilintar"😂

19 86

It's been a long time I didn't post here, so today here take this~ Many people want me to draw Hali, but I miss upan so I draw him too. :>

73 295

Halilintar's checking if Gempa has any injury on his hands, but nah🙃

A lovely request for mah frend ❤️

6 52

Chef hali akan masakin menu sahur dan berbuka besok 👁👁👍

Buat aku maksudnya hihihi-
//di tabok masyarakat-

58 271

Hali And Baby Upan umumumumu<( ̄︶ ̄)>

4 13


I FINALLY COULD DRAW ON PHONE AGAIN (bcs my dad fixed it for me) tapi ya ga lama sih ga tau ini hp kuat sampe kapan BUT STILL YEEESSSS

9 24

6/7 elemental stories✨ | Ramadhan edition (Old comic)

12 41

Hali in simple casual outfit _:3\

Too much Hali for this account ^w^°

25 135