Brahman's Princess, Kawaragi Senju 🌸💮

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It seems like she forgave the gods who pushed her which I think she shouldn't have but she's a bigger person than me or those gods so ofc she did. Also, damn, it must've been so freaking hard to act like nothing happened when she was in the presence of Brahma

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Okay, I didn't wanna bring that up before because there aren't many similarities between them but I always got Teo vibes from this person so now Brahma saying this is really making my blood boil

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Congratulations Brahma for becoming one of the few characters I hate in There's not many people there so that's truly an honor🙃🙃

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I don't know if I've ever addressed this before but I already made my judgment about Brahma the moment I learned that she thought it would be better for Kinnara to have the name Airavata and this was the last drop for me.

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Brahma, what the fuck are you doing??!!

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【News】BRAHMAN、ロックの殿堂で3週間の間に行われた3本のライブをコンパイルした映像作品『Three Times Three』発売決定!

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them @ ashwatthama when he released the brahmashira

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Ending arc 3 deities tu hoax sebenernya Kantou Manji sama Brahman udah berafiliasi ini buktinya

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Tatsuo Ikeda, from his Brahman series, c1977-78

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Benevolent Brahmadaitya saving a poor Brahmin man from group of Bhoot (ghosts), while the man was cutting a branch from the yonder banyan tree.

An illustration by Warwick Goble (1912). Taken from the 1912 illustrated edition of Folk-Tales of Bengal by Lal Behari Dey.

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Indrajit, a rakshasa in the Indian epic Ramayana ,acquired many kinds of celestial weapons from his Guru Shukra to defeat the Gods (Devas) in heaven. Using Brahmastra, Indrajit killed 670 million monkey-like people living in forests.

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I'm happy that Brahma is affected by what Chandra said

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I was guessing that Brahma was the god who gave the item to Laila but I'm happy to have confirmation. Also, I do not like how Chandra phrased that, there must be a way for more than one Kubera to survive

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Is that all you have to say, Brahma? Ugh, as expected from a god, no remorse whatsoever😒

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Wakasa sebelum jadi petinggi Brahman

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