Redraw of an archie comic. Make of it what you will 🤪

10 116

I have to thank this person later for giving me the fic
I hope I did it some justice? ignore my art inconsistency-

(NOT SHIPPING) I'm going to cry now, excuse me.

9 37

she's so sick of them actually

1 9

The version. I need more band Robin and Nancy stuff shjshsjjs

168 1570

The three versions of my first digital piece, and my first contribution to the Kas the bloody handed theory

0 9

steve eddie robin my beloveds


2 17

also! continuation of those last drawings i think robin and steve third wheel each other's dates cause they're just best friends like that <3

18 127

forget the fact that i've drawn robin differently every time i draw her

12 97

I need them to have more interactions in school and with robin’s band uniform

37 216