【新刊情報 1/3】C93にてチュウニズム同人誌『FULL CHAIN』を発刊します! データベースや攻略、小ネタにクイズと盛り沢山な内容に、「Cah-m」「めーがす」がゲスト執筆しています。ゲーセン以外でもCHUNITHMが楽しめる1冊となっておりますので、冬コミではよろしくお願いします♪

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Overwatch with and crew then to some CaH! https://t.co/w2uCEdH1sS and https://t.co/NJtVM1srsp It's Laughin' time!

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Fricken Jakob always asking for my hair because he won some stupid CAH game XD

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FanArt Cah💗💗 Espero que goste

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Updates on this tomorrow! Will probably play BGO and CAH! I love those games hehe

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One from the archives done by our founder and CEO James Zhang for Blizzard’s WOW

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Always honored to create Magic: The Gathering cards for https://t.co/zLAwtWjT92

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Cah 「水彩色鉛筆」13日のgrun studioから発売開始です。 僕はアートワークで関わらせてもらいました。 見てね聴いてね!

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See what companies like Kabam, Space Ape Games, and Turbine say about working with CAH! http://t.co/nTRLq92rOh

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Nice article, including art that CAH contributed to Supercell's Clash of Clans! http://t.co/wMfAke1ikd by

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CAH art featured in Arc Games' new launch SWORDSMAN: GILDED WASTELAND! http://t.co/86aJ5B3jLH

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