Cezanne, Still Life with Ginger Pot

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"It inspires and eludes, raises questions and provides no answers." on how
Cezanne influences her work. Read the full article in : https://t.co/IquvTEV8xH

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Il cielo è scuro, non gli occhi, ma Rake
il primo a vedere il tetto greggio
che incombe sulla cresta Hill - piuttosto collina, lontana.
Tre miglia saranno ancora più di
di pioggia Pauet
Brodskij "Autunno in Norenskaya"


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I'm so proud of room 108 for applying the observations they made about Paul Cezanne's paintings to their own art! They identified highlights and shadows in his still life paintings and then recreated highlight and shadow in their apples!

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L'artiste post-impressionniste Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) a réalisé un grand nombre de tableaux sur le thème des baigneuses, reprenant un thème traditionnel basé sur la combinaison de la nature avec les formes du nu féminin.

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