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@MerlinofCanada #PoorPeter
There is a better chance of #PeterMacKay flying over the #Toronto #PrideParade for a selfie than marching in the parade and god forbid take a selfie! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr
@JulieYAli I have to ask the obvious question. Who was the Minister of Western Diversification during the BOOM BOOM YEARS or should I say BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK years? 👇👇👇👇 Hint! 😋 #Satire #abpoli #AbLeg
"There’s no need to oust the Queen from Canadian postage altogether, but perhaps it’s time for a change of scenery on Canada’s definitives," writes #CanadianStampNews columnist Jesse Robitaille.
https://t.co/7kdPIubGX0 #philately #opinion #Cdnpoli #thecrown #royalfamily
Cartoon for @chronicleherald #PeterMacKay #coronation #HarryandMeghan #Conservatives #cdnpoli
@bryan_leblanc @MPNSKI #PoorPeter
The #CPC Social Conservative base will not be so mesmerized by #PeterMacKay whether or not Peter gets his double-doubles from @TimHortons ! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr #cpcLdr2020
Retreads? 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr2020 #cpcLdr #CPC
#cdnPoli https://t.co/ql4SMLk2Z3
@PeterMacKay #PoorPeter
Mr #MMMKay , no ones buying it! Would you and Stevie kindly take your #cpcLdr campaigning down to the next street corner. You and Stevie are devaluing our neighbourhood! 😋 #Satire #PeterMacKay #CPC #cpcLdr2020
Always a dollar short and a day late! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr #PeterMacKay
#cdnpoli https://t.co/zEQrFonCnQ
@DianeMariePosts If #PeterMacKay 's tenure as the Minister of Foreign Affairs during #StephenHarper 's Govt is an example of his leadership at diplomacy then I rather Peter stick with fishing from helicopters! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr
The same tactic used by those who convinced the lowest white man is better than the best/brightest black man! <--- When you can achieve this, you can sell them anything you want! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr
#cdnpoli https://t.co/o5E33gH7K2
What a surprise announcement! I wonder what #DrugDeal knock out Skippy? 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr #PierrePoilievre
#cdnPoli #CTVpp https://t.co/QAZRR5FLTL
@TashaKheiriddin Ok Tasha,
Who is knocking down all these #CpcLdr candidates? 😋 #Satire #CPC #StillStephenHarpersParty
I am the state! #StephenHarper hijacked the Conservative Party before #DonaldTrump took the Presidency! This is still Stevie's Party😋 #Satire #CpcLdr #CPC
#cdnpoli https://t.co/PUqjmOK9iV
@DianeMariePosts l'etat c'est moi. 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr #StephenHarper
Nothing has changed. In fact, it seems them CONs are cling to their pipelines and GOD even harder these days; and HATE immigrants even more! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr #CPC
#cdnPoli https://t.co/arozDPovHq
@RosieBarton Time for the #CPC to recycle #StephenHarper 's infamous SWEATER! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr
It's my PARTY! 😋 #Satire #StephenHarper #cpcLdr
#cdnPoli https://t.co/qO7g1FKZ9Z
@CBCPolitics I am the state! 😋 #Satire #StephenHarper #cpcLdr
@CBCPolitics #StephenHarper message to #JeanCharest ..."l'etat c'est moi"! 😋 #Satire #cpcLdr #CPC
Oh @OhDoughnuts you've done it now! The #cdnpoli political cartoonists have immortalised your baked goods! And I personally can't wait to try one of your doughnuts that has driven them CONs crazy! 😋 #Satire #EthicalDonuts #DonutGate #ohDoughNuts https://t.co/t9hL1AnMRN