My brother in christ, i am finding myself focused on my work and creative pursuits. I find most modern actors and actresses obnoxious and I don't watch other streamers let alone for eye candy. If I'm not in the gym, I'm writing or working. This is the last female I've design

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Prayer 1 for all is done...
No pre-post. - worker


Mary, highly favoured one,
Sister in faith,
Mother of all who believe.

Vision of faith, pray with us now.
Seeker of truth lead us to God.
Bearer of Christ,
Teach us to be open and free.

5 29

The family of Christ, or 'Holy Kinship', are represented on glorious background in the Queen Mary Psalter 🤩

Read more about stunning manuscript in today's blogpost:

15 79

// I went so fast Jesus Christ, it’s so sloppy but uh,,
-scoots forward-

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The headless goatriders. Detail from the Antichrist, Germany ca. 1460. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 426, fol. 64v.

221 1415

Polidoro da Caravaggio, Bearing the Body of Christ, 16th century

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Jesus Christ, you make one post about Go Go and Nico Minoru doing the same pose and it literally blows up.

(My posts on Tumblr do not get this much attention. Not even close.)

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To be saved, you must TRUST/BELIEVE in THE BLOOD of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He shed on the cross, and that it is enough to SAVE your SOUL. God does not accept our works. He only accepts those who receive his GIFT of LOVE through FAITH.

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Tête de Christ, Georges Rouault (1938) – Cleveland Museum of Art, USA

Enrique Irazoqui, Il Vangelo secondo Matteo, Pier Paolo Pasolini (1964)

7 14

jesus christ, my balls, they itch so bad, good god, please help me, my balls, help

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LOOK DEEPER! The painting, Resurrection of Christ, Perugino.Napoleon took it from the church of origin,Paul VI put it on the back wall of Library ONLY for their visitors 2 see,not 4 the public,They want 2 HIDE The Resurrection/Christi's Divinity & the LIGHT of the 🌎. DARK=EVIL!!

2 9

We can sleep in these hollows and rivers
Exalt the righteous and drown the sinners
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ,
Why is love so lonely?
Why is love so lonely?

8 101

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner

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