im sure tomorrow there will be a bunch of things i wanna change but heres my Claydol n Bronzong gijinkas!!!

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◇Claydoll&DemonstatueさんのVRChat対応オリジナルデザイン3Dモデル第2弾【ノーチェ】が発売中!٩( 'ω' )وClaydollさんの色が強く出た可愛くも他に見ない素敵なモデルです(・w・)今回も販促用に絵を描かせて頂きました。興味のある方はぜひ見てあげて下さい(ゝω・o)→https://t.co/Zd9pn7n2uH

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Please share 4 of your fav Pokemon with me ~

Here’s 4 of my fav:
Raichu, Claydol, Pignite and Pumpkaboo 😌💛

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Approximate claydol + actual Claydol
was not as far off as I thought

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No. 344: Claydol
Clay Doll Pokémon

Claydol are said to be dolls of mud made by primitive humans and brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray. This Pokémon moves about while levitating.

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Pokemon: Baltoy/Claydol
Nickname: Poppi
Game of origin: Pokemon Ultra Moon
Additional notes: No one said gijinkas cant be full on robots right?

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warm ups from this morning! claydol is the coolest <3 have a great day everyone!

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Poke'cember Day 12 -
One of many Poke'mon I never have room for in my party.

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When you try to use Claydol in the OU Tier

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Shedinja's still one of my favorite pokes hehe
but the claydol one here came out super weird...

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