I don’t really care if Spleeny traced a character’s position to draw Dianna. I wanted her in the style, and that’s what I got. Besides, I’m guilty if the same shit! When I made this huge thing, I traced over the 3D Models.
Spleeny has issues, but I decided to look past them.

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Turn A Gundam - "Underground Passageways"

Lily Borjarno is introduced, and Loran & Dianna have a climactic battle with Corin. This episode's script is by the legendary Hiroyuki Hoshiyama.

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I recently watched Simoun, a mid-2000s shoujo military drama. The character Neviril is voiced by Rieko Takahashi—Dianna-Kihel's voice actress—and it's very hard to unhear! It's her only other major voice role in anime, so I've always been curious about this show.

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🌖 Kihel & Dianna🌔

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Turn A Gundam - "The Fall of Nocis"

Dianna and Kihel begin to settle into their new roles, the White Doll unearths a shield, and Nocis City falls as the Militia launch a surprise attack on the Soleil and Corin Nander re-enters the fray.

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The next comic this week is by and - this is the book for you if you love pulp adventure like Indianna Jones, Uncharted and Tomb Raider - looks and reads so well - pick it up ^KB

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now remember that Loran and Dianna are doing shit like this in the same episode. this is just what romance looks like in this show.

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Turn A Gundam - "Grave Visit"

The Princess Kaguya and Torikaebaya Monogatari storyline influences begin, as Dianna and Kihel swap places. This episode marks a major turning point and received an audio commentary track for the Blu-ray release.

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Much of the ep scene where Dianna and Kihel exchange clothing and swap places was redrawn, reanimated, and expanded upon in the Turn A movie. Tomino was fond of the scene and viewed it as the first pivotal "act" of a theatrical play or performance.

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This piece got a lot of attention this weekend at the con so I though I would repost it. An old assignment where we had to do a parody of a painting. I choose "Dianna and Endymion", from the The Art Institute of Chicago, and changed the characters to Sailor Moon characters.

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Knight series (12) by 存活
Dianna of Valangoon

The relationship between human and centaur nowadays could be described as “mutualism”, in offer service as cavalry, or now as knights, human grant them fiefdom, food, tools, houses, resources and respect.

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Why the hell didn't I share this when I first got it? and I commissioned to draw Gabe as a sneaky little thief!

Guess Dianna won't be covering her gigantic booba any time soon...

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