Se supone que es un redraw en chibi pero no me gusto mucho siento que le puse demaaasiados brillos xD ✨💙#chibi

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All wolves go to heaven! 😇
Всё волки попадают на небеса! 😇

Рисунок для в память о волчонке Геркулесе...

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I decided to make some pride Silver sketches. Here's a few that I've done so far, I may do a few more if people want me to.

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Gabriel estudando em casa na quarentena - pincéis-caneta sobre caderno de esboços e cores numéricas

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The drawing that I hadn't been able to finish in time for my birthday but it's okay, now I'm done. I am continuing to experiment and learn new coloring styles. ✍🏻❣️🤔

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