Today's D&Doodle is Mori the Druid Tortle, and her five birb friendos. As played by of fame in our Wednesday game.

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two doodles while playing dungeons and dragons. One is my half eld tiefling rogue and the other is just me doodling my FEFates Birthright Corrin to work on posing. Very tired while drawing both, makes them wonky and smudged all to heck

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Felt super inspired and did some DnDoodles! At one point Hydras suggested to be chugged in the air by Icarus for a performance and...they did real good. Oh and have Tinkerbell (left) and Seran (right).
Also Hydras has no table manners whatsoever.

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Trying to think of a character concept for Dungeon of the Mad Mage and man I can not make up my mind. At all. All I know is I'm looking at making a sorcerer and...that's it. That's all I know.

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Hours later and I realized my blue light filter was on. I'll fix it this weekend and shade somehow. My War Cleric Zallina Siannodel, may she live through her last encounter.

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A full body portrait of my Tiefling Ranger Camilla for Curse of Strahd. Her only regret is not remembering kissing her soon be wife, Ireena, in front of Strahd to mock him during the final battle. She did, however, deliver the killing blow.

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More of my DnD characters! A tabaxi based on my real life cat Luna, a gnome cleric, a starving Tiefling rogue named Nemeia and Ashaka the Hexblade Warlock for a Tal'Dorei Campaign, made when campaign 1 of Critical Role was still going!

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These were three of my first Dungeons and Dragons characters: Camilla the Tiefling Ranger for Curse of Strahd, Zallina Siannodel the Half-Elf War Cleric for Storm King's Thunder, and Brielle Shaugha Ramsen for a homebrew campaign.

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Dndoodles of some Icyhot bois

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2 sessions ago we came across a fey wild portal and our half orc bard was having a chat with a ''neither friend or foe''

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