Day 558.1: Fancy book-learning is for coastal elite livin’ zeppelin merchants.

32 71

Day 547: In which a stable genius prefers his questions in the vein of a Highlights Magazine word jumble.

35 64

“When a fellow ain't got much of a mind, it don't take him long to make it up.”. - Will Rodgers by

1 1

Day 539: In which it’s a good thing for this man-sized sack of sun-bleached kangaroo meat that his supporters are basically the Eric Trumps of deductive reasoning.

34 64

Day 529: If you’re ever feeling sad, feeling blue, just remember this guy and that at the very least you don’t have to go through life resembling a freshly sucked thumb.

37 64

Guys please be civil and nicer to bigots and enablers of their primitive ideology ok thanks

40 91

Day 522: In which a bunch of hungry Bigotry Enablers just wanna eat their lunches in peace without owning their shit, man.

46 88