2012 comic: Whenever a train is delayed, it is most likely due to a personal accident (suicide or accidentally fell over because many platforms do not have gate barriers).
So be careful when you’re waiting at the platform!

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2012 comic: Especially fun when you play this game at the lift...

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Something I needed to get used to when I was studying in Japan (2010-13)

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This was the first strip that I posted on my FB Page back in 2012 that became viral. Since then, I did more of such strips. Although some have become untrue today, I am glad about it 😉 I will be throwing back this series every Thur, hope you all like it!

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💪🏻You'll get to train your muscles in because there's a lot of stairs, not many escalators and lifts! So imagine all the luggage you have to carry up and down while transiting to airport to train stations and in-between hotels... ☠️

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Traveling is when someone who is sick of his/her own country travels to another country that someone else is sick of. 旅行是從一個人活膩的國家到另一個人活膩的國家去。 🧳🗺💺🛫

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