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Drew Hyden as a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance guy too.
FFTA!Hyden is a Nu Mou and is the guy you meet in act 1 and think “that guy is evil” and then is revealed to, in fact, be evil, several chapters later when he betrays everyone in the least surprising plot twist ever.
Headless (But also footless 🤭) - Giants that smash their enemies with arms thick as tree trunks.
#finalfantasy #FFTA #FFTA2 #art #videogames
Oversoul - A demon that harvests souls for the lord of the dead.
#finalfantasy #FFTA #FFTA2 #art #videogames
FFTA2、14周年おめでとうございます!ささやかながら過去絵でお祝いを…☺️✨4枚目だけ今日急いで描いた謎のハロウィンに向けての落書きです #FFTA2