“And see ye not that braid braid road
That lies across that lily leven?
That is the path of wickedness
Though some call it the road to heaven” (Thomas the Rhymer)

Welcome to our haunted road trip, Darklings!

We RT between 10 am - 10 pm CET

🎨 unknown

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“I always liked side-paths, little dark back-alleys behind the main road- there one finds adventures and surprises” (Dostoevsky)


“On the Highway to Hell: Haunted Roads & Mysterious Hitchhikers”

is our topic for tomorrow

RTs between 10am - 10pm CET

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In tales, the devil is often a predator & is attracted to creative & wild energy. He seeks to destroy & promises wealth in exchange for our inner life. Many times an encounter w/ him leaves deep marks, but one way to ward him off is to cry. Tears for love & beauty

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The Devil features in the Tarot Major Arcana as trump number 15. Here are four versions from the Italian Soprafino, IIJ Swiss, Vacchetta and Alchemical. This article has more examples and lots of great info about the tarot devil:

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"he spoke one word…He was the Evil One; the name seemed to be taken up by the echoes and repeated from rock to rock and crag to crag; the whole air seemed full of that one word; and then a great horror of darkness came about us"
— 'Sandy the Tinker' (1882) 5/5

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Devils in disguise play a central role in the weird, quirky XIX Century "Ingoldsby Legends". One of the most famous scenes features a grand 'pas de deux' between the Dame of the House and 'that Nick'.

«See! He grasps it with horrid black claws».

🖼️A. Rackham

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Once the scourge of the river Conwy, causing flooding & dragging off unsuspecting victims, the river dwelling was lured onto land by a beautiful young woman & taken to a new home in the deep & secure Llyn Ffynnon-y-Gwas in Snowdonia ....

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In Greek mythology Naiads were friendly creatures that helped sailors fight perilous storms. They also had the power of foresight, and were said to make prophecies.They were depicted as beautiful young women,holding a water-jug (hydria) or a frond of lush foliage.

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Under the mile off moon we trembled listening
To the sea sound flowing like blood from the loud wound
And when the salt sheet broke in a storm of singing
The voices of all the drowned swam on the wind.
–Dylan Thomas, Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed.

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The plot of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” revolves around the initiation into the mysteries of Isis and Osiris, seen from Tamino’s point of view. Mozart was a member of the Viennese Masonic lodge and died shortly after the debut performance.

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Those Underworld Can-Can Dancers (not typed that before!) include Samantha Hughes, who was one of the dancers at the start of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984). Cutting from the Bexhill Observer 30.6.1984. I met a Thuggee once... 2.2.1887.

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Bath's Theatre Royal has a ghost butterfly. The 1948 Christmas pantomime was butterfly themed with dancers in butterfly costumes, when a real (unseasonal) butterfly fluttered across the stage. This ghostly butterfly has appeared almost every Christmas since...

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In East Asia there is a type of black magic conducted by women that is known in China as 'gu' and in Japan as 'kodoku.' It involves sealing several venomous insects (eg. scorpion, centipede) in a jar & allowing them to kill each other until only one survives.


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< As detection & technology increased in efficiency, prospective poisoners needed to understand how poisons worked & have the ability to develop logical crimes. Some slipped their chosen toxins into food; others committed their crimes over tea… >

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In Greek mythology it was said that poisonous wolfsbane (aconite) fell from the saliva of the three-headed dog Cerberus. Its name reflects its original use as poisoned wolf bait. It was also used to poison people and was associated with witchcraft.

🎨William Blake

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In the howls of - the Hounds of Hell -
may be heard in the distance, but the quieter they become the nearer they are - sent to collect the souls of the damned

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In Finland the jackdaws who lived in the church towers were seen as the omens of death. If the bird landed on roof of the house, it meant that somebody living in the house would die.

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"Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.'" St. Peter's betrayal of Jesus was foreshadowed by the crowing of a "Prophetic Animals"

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A witch is spotted in the shape of a hare sucking her neighbor's cows dry 🐇
"The hare started off at a brisk pace, squirting up the milk she had sucked from her mouth and nostrils, and the dogs making after her rapidly."

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