here's an animated too! I'd be lion if I didn't admit lion king was HUGE for me as a kiddo

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Ok, here’s 4 movies.
In the Name of the Father
V for Vendetta
Return of the Jedi

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Not enough lesbian movies but my I added naruto because lets be honest.

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The animated films that define me, in roughly the order I saw them.

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The 4 elements: air, space, water, sadness

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Films that formed my personality, humor, diet, and religious beliefs.

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Star Wars: A New Hope
Princess Mononoke
The Matrix

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i think these are my animated filmstrucks!!

runner ups:
tale of princess kaguya
the little prince
wreck it ralph
astro boy
spirited away
treasure planet

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Decided to go with my allstar favorites. Can you tell I'm an action/adventure kinda gal (>v<). My line up, tagged by . Dunno who to tag, so have at it all!

(The Mummy 1999, Temple of Doom, Tarzan, Aladdin)

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My is fantasy, magic, fancy period clothes and a bit of romance.

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I had real trouble picking, but these films are the kind that I'll never get tired of watching.

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a lot of these i saw quite young and it really influenced my style and taste even now! idk if trainspotting is viewed as an edgy teen movie but you have to also consider that they put not just one but TWO underworld songs in it.

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ok actually I kind of hate this hashtag because now I want to watch all four of these RIGHT NOW but I gotta go sleep instead >:(((

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