*the other five show up*

Fluttershy: What’s up?

Lachlan: *waiting for Twilight to land on the ground*

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Fluttershy: I promise, I’ll make sure he’s fully healed.

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Fluttershy: He has a broken wrist, but if I keep him at my cottage for a few days and all the procedures are done correctly, his paw will be as good as new.

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Fluttershy: *hears the howl and gasps* I know that howl!

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Unikitty: Lookin’ at Master Frown.

Master Frown: *offscreen* Hey!

Fluttershy: Oh, and Discord, you teaching Lachlan about clouds having a silver lining as a positive expression, that was a really sweet fatherly thing of you to do.

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Applejack: This one has my cutie mark on it and it’s the same colour as me!

Fluttershy: This one is the same as mine!

*they open the doors to reveal they were BEDROOMS*

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Fluttershy: You always get happy when Lachlan’s around, don’t you?

Rainbow Dash: You betcha! I love the little guy!

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Fluttershy: *she hugs him tightly* Oh Lachlan, we were so worried about you! We sincerely promise you we won’t ever have a big fight like that anymore, but please don’t scare us like this ever again...

Lachlan: You were worried about me...? You really do care about me... *sniff*

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*meanwhile with the girls*

Applejack: Sugardog, where are ya?! *whistle*

Twilight: We promise to never fight in front of you ever again!

Fluttershy: We have said that before, but we really mean it this time!

*Rainbow Dash was almost at her breaking point*

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Fluttershy: Sorry if we kept you all waiting.

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Fluttershy: *coincidentally flying by* What’s so nice?

Pinkie Pie: Lachlan wrote these lovely things about us, here, he wrote about you too! *she hands her the note*

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Fluttershy: Ooh, those colours do look good on him.

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Fluttershy: Good boy, now your next checkup will be in the next fortnight, so take care of yourself and Angel until then.

Lachlan: Yes, Fluttershy!

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Lachlan: Sweet!

Fluttershy: But, I’d just like to check your tummy again just to be sure.

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Fluttershy: Okay. If you girls would be so kind as to leave me with him so I can concentrate?

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Fluttershy: Ooh, keep it up Rainbow, he’ll soon be relaxed enough for me to start the checkup!

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