my sexy aesthetic is highly synthetic, fuck my genetics!

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"Guardsmen Advance" my little fan fantasy about kinda "Primaris" updated Imperial Guard troops - more mobile and vigorous, thx too genetics selection of Belisarius Cawl

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Here's the final product from my seal poster for conservation genetics class. pretty psyched on it!

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Glamour magic is the most dominant magic gene among witches. It’s a manifestation Lorne was all but guaranteed to inherit. But genetics are funny like that, and a recessive trait from his biological father’s line manifested as Lorne’s curse crafting magic (nightshade)

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Nice to have an excuse to do some sketching tonight. Ringed Seal illustration for a poster assignment in Conservation Genetics (topic: endangered unique populations within a globally "Least Concern" species). Can you guess the endangered subspecies?

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Some of my Newest work for the genetics lab. I will be listing these as soon as possible tonight. If anyone wants to reserve one let me know. The price will be set at .1 eth. Thank you

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Hi, my name is Dorota and I've been creating illustrations to communicate about genetics, evolution and novel breeding methods. I'm currently making infographics about forest tree breeding in collaboration with and

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Of course, Michael Crichton’s “Jurassic Park” (’90) is the book that changed everything & ushered in a new era of paleo-pop. Oddly enough, the story started in ’83 as a screenplay about a genetics grad student who recreates a dinosaur.

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Despite her buff appearance Sarah is highly interested in working with animals in a conservation sense. Even genetics. She has no qualms with getting kinky for science and would happily partake in a breeding program if it meant getting to study a species more

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Finally someone is gonna end this bloodline of bad genetics

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The amount of magical energy emanating from that event resulted in everyone in the surroundings being affected, causing their bodies to change, altering their genetics. thus creating the sweetiepies

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Thanks for taggin me
Today I’m workin on some new stuff for the genetics lab.
Let’s bring in here.

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Hönss doodles, after all, horses are what got me into drawing lol.
really got me back into my horse colors and genetics hyperfixation lol.
Expect more horses!

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Got some new work coming your way. Be ready for horror, color and sinister twists for the genetics lab!

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i didn't really stick closely to similar looks from parents for this since genetics sometimes have a way of being funky

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Ever done a test to find out more about your

Explore why human don't conform to traditional notions of racial groups, and discover whether ancestry testing is accurate in this video and article from 's :

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I found them all! Here are all my past selves before God stuck me down (😭)
-otterkan 🦦
-tebara the mint 🍬
-an unnamed Piranha girl 👻
Genetics is crazy, man!

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Plant genetics, up close.🌿

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