Please Spread the word for George flyod for Here's a Picture of Pupstar (My OC)

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This is the young handsome black man the world attempted to change.
Through our love and humanity he did the opposite. He changed the world. Rest in Power George.

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Title: Black lives matter
My characters Trixi, Vicky and Josh, wearing their dark clothes. Showing their support that Black lives matter
We're supposed to be moving forwards, but it sounds like we're going backwards.

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TRUMP:Anti-neo-fascism is unacceptable, anti-white supremacy is unacceptable, anti-racism is unacceptable! ANTIFA anti them, it is a terrorist organization!#Antifa

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America. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...”

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I left the link to sign a petition <>to support the movement, but other than that I don’t know enough about the movement to educate others. So if you came looking for that, I can’t give you that. Sorry.

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uses the memory of to tout the Are you effing kidding me? Who does that? The man is a monster.

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Como complemento, unas evocaciones de Iwo Jima recientes y


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stopp killing now.
Meron din akong mga black relatives sa denver america at ayukong pati sila madamay.

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this is my digital painting ..... I won't say anything ... you look and you would know the whole story

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We all have a responsibility to be part of the solution. It’s hard work, but if we all step up, change will come.

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You're damn right Black lives matter. Justice for & so many others whose lives were taken.
All proceeds from sales of this print (by ) support the revolution—from now to forever.

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"Pass the skin colour"
"Which one?"
The default should not be the vaguely peach coloured pencil. And needless to say, this applies to every aspect of life.

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