Happy Birthday to !!! *hands you a special breakfast platter* :3 💙🥚🍞

4 19

two more eggs for the ~

My hand is starting to hurt so i'm afraid i'll probably stop here 😭

1 15

Everyone I've sketched so far at the , I didn't get everyones ats, i hope this makes it to u! I'll try to draw more but I need a smol break

6 27

ok now i take a break to actually eat today

3 11

I'm lurking at

I take too long on these doodles i stg

1 9

one more cause i thought they were cute

3 19

For ♥ I haven't drawn Roegadyn in forever, so this is a nice break! ;v;/

6 23

Two more for the Trying to take a bit more time with these since i'm not sketching for a crowd ^^;; means i'll get to fewer peeps tho.

4 18

First one for the night,,, happy birthday!!!

3 14

Of course first pic goes to the birthday girl <33 Happy beeb bestie ilu

5 25

I don't have their @ but this is crooked man @ mateus

i really liked their hat

6 26

Getting some art out of the way already!! Cutest Lala showed up early to the party omg 🥺❤️

4 16

rya feasting good tonite shoutout boggart for epic shrimp

0 11

Someone on tumblr asked for some love for Boggart so I deliver.

3 23