Comment Mistigri pêche les huîtres, en 4 vignettes, par le poète de nos enfances, Benjamin Rabier (1911) :

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I only realized how much there was fucking wrong with it until after I finished it, but by god this took me fucking ages so I'm gonna post it.

My attempt at Lineless art, a Gallic Warrior with a Carnyx.

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Les Roses: Rosa Gallica, Henry Joseph Redouté, 1817

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"some the witches unite sake of universal goals and mutual aid. Iri and Gallicia are no exception who met in a herb shop in a small town"
well my first full comics commission for
characters belongs me and

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"In the year 2000", a series of futuristic pictures made in France between 1899 and 1910, is now available in Gallica ! Dive into a world of flying objects, weird electric machines and underwater vehicles. =>

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Illustrations futuristes réalisées entre 1899 et 1910, les images de la série "En l'an 2000" sont désormais consultables dans Gallica ! => Plongée dans un univers peuplé d'objets volants, d'étranges machines électriques et de véhicules sous-marins... ⤵️

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yay my first parts full comics for TheHyperblast with his Gallicia and my Iri
i will publish on FA 11th november but on you can see early ;3

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Prise de parole par l’équipe : veille hebdomadaire pour faire le point sur ce qui pourrait constituer le monde numérique où se trouvera Gallica à moyen terme. N’hésitez pas à partager votre veille en commentaires !

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ref sheet? u mean personal dress up game
(the underwear is historically accurate so if u were hoping gallico would be a sexy comic i'm so sorry but this is the reality)

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Another artwork for Hyper! This time his beautiful character, Gallica!
I've already had a chance to draw her as stickers several times! I am very happy that this time I drew her half body :)
Thank you for this order, Hyper! <3

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Morning World!
I shan't have much new for awhile - hush, hush!!
So here's some 'past' work!
Gallic Dawn &
Viola's Heart
both 30" x 20"
Acrylic on canvas

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Since I'll be selling print copies of Gallico's prologue at an event soon, I made a cover. I like how it came out, kinda like an old movie poster?

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For I'm gonna start it off with 's Gallico! Though honestly both her comics are A+++. Looking for middle aged queer characters? Dark subject matter? Beautiful art? Look no further!!

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Puisque lui-même a confessé une dilection spéciale pour elles... petit portrait d'une des célébrités de la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal :

🌺🌻 les Heures dites "du Maître-aux-fleurs" 🌼🌸

(Bibl. de l'Arsenal Ms-638 et 639. Gallica: ⏬

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So far I think this one is my favorite, out of the ones I can show right now... Matthew is all bright-eyed and fresh-faced (much different from the next time he'll appear lol) and those statues were fun. Read Gallico here! 👇

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2 current projects: rebooting my older comic Memento Mori, and working on a new one called Gallico. MM is gothic horror with an Americana flavor, Gallico is a WWII drama/romance.

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7/10 納豆の日...その香りではなく
 Rosa Rapa
 Rosa Rubrifolia
 Rosa Noisettiana
 Gallica Puytrenea

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Fleurs, poissons, papillons et scarabées de Chine - c.19.. - via Gallica

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Représenter le costume historique (militaire & civil) semble facile. Ça ne l'est pas. Il faut souvent démêler le vrai de la représentation idéalisée. Camille Bonnard (1794-1870) avait essayé avec ses ouvrages pour le XIIe au XVe s. CF. Gallica :

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