663 - Talonflame
Type: Fire / Flying

Abilities: Flame-body, Gale-wings

0 0

662 - Fletchinder
Type: Fire / Flying

Abilities: Flame-body, Gale-wings

0 0

661 - Fletchling
Type: Normal / Flying

Abilities: Big-pecks, Gale-wings

0 0

660 - Diggersby
Type: Normal / Ground

Abilities: Pickup, Cheek-pouch, Huge-power

0 0

658 - Greninja
Type: Water / Dark

Abilities: Torrent, Protean

0 0

657 - Frogadier
Type: Water

Abilities: Torrent, Protean

0 0

656 - Froakie
Type: Water

Abilities: Torrent, Protean

0 0

655 - Delphox
Type: Fire / Psychic

Abilities: Blaze, Magician

0 0

653 - Fennekin
Type: Fire

Abilities: Blaze, Magician

0 0

652 - Chesnaught
Type: Grass / Fighting

Abilities: Overgrow, Bulletproof

0 0

651 - Quilladin
Type: Grass

Abilities: Overgrow, Bulletproof

0 0

650 - Chespin
Type: Grass

Abilities: Overgrow, Bulletproof

0 0

Hitoshi Ariga, who worked on Gen6 and Gen8 fossil Pokémon, is into Deinonychus.
They may be coming.
S is for lizard and V is for bird-like Deinonychus?💭

0 12

Even Gens. slightly different nuances.

Maybe Sprigatito is not an herbal scent.
Maybe it is a pheromone or a delirium or 🍷

Maybe Fuecoco does "not burn". Hair (horn) develops like ferramento. It is thought to be heat like an "iron".
Death Metal Death Metal


1 13

Sprite of Diantha , coming soon on Pokémon Showdown !
We are working hard to complete gen6 with the missing sprites. We hope to be done by this summer

9 69

721 - Volcanion
Type: Fire / Water

Abilities: Water-absorb

0 1

720 - Hoopa
Type: Psychic / Ghost

Abilities: Magician

0 1

719 - Diancie
Type: Rock / Fairy

Abilities: Clear-body

0 2

718 - Zygarde-50
Type: Dragon / Ground

Abilities: Aura-break

0 1