卷毛+下垂眼 取向狙击了不好意思

0 2

"Right down up right right down right right up up down down- Wait a minute! Don't mess up!~"

So I finished watching Squid Game and I'm in love :DDD

But he looks weird in my eyes, oh well it's been a while since I last drawn something :///

2 6

imagine sangihun goes out drinking and drunk sangwoo recites the entire communist manifesto with his whole chest

196 880

who wanna be my best friend to lovers to strangers to enemies

65 465

I'm not sure if this works better with a light or dark background... But one thing is for sure, I couldn't leave the old man without his dusty beard!

1 4


on her wedding day

29 98

“things my heart used to know
things it yearns to remember”

26 117