Dev-stream in about 10 mins! Grab your crystals and come on by!

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dev-stream in 10 mins! I'm back from Japan and ready to get some art on today!

3 8

Our bear-scarf sporting axe man! Always ready to charge and chop!

1 11

Our stream is starting in about 30 mins! Come check out some art for the game!

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Dev-Stream in 10 minutes! drop on by for some art streaming! It's gonna be fun!

1 2

dev-blog is up! All about our zone 4 setting and art!

1 6

Thanks everybody for a crazy fun stream! see you all next Wednesday for some art-chops! you guys rock!

2 8

Come check out this week's blob-stabbingly cool dev-blog! hooray!

4 10

Thanks so much for the great stream everybody! Thanks to all our new followers and amazing regulars!

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Keeping things patriotic with very own Canada Crab!

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thanks so much for hanging out in the stream! a super fun time and merry christmas from !

2 7

Thanks so much for another great Dev-Stream! Did up some fun desert weaponry and a cool killer snowman!

1 1

A casual walk-by staring the aforementioned cactus! You gotta stay on your toes in zone 4!

13 9

Great stream! thanks so much everyone for stopping by! Big shout out to all of our Oar-boys and girls!

1 1

knocking out the cobwebs with a running shot of our very own Shield Guy! Go

3 8

great stream guys! Thanks so much for hanging with thanks for giving us the idea for SUPERDUCK!

1 7

Thanks a ton for the great stream everyone! making those Wednesdays super awesome! You're the best!

0 7

Fireside tunes are great, but we have to get our out to the this year for

3 17

Great dev-stream! Did some urns and a blindfolded grasshopper drawn so bad we did one with eyes open!

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