És el dia dels gossos? Just avui m'he topat amb aquest josei de la Nobuko Hama sobre una dona que perd la vista en un accident d'esquí i el gos pigall Happy, que dona nom al manga. Es va publicar del 1995 al 2012 amb un total de 33 volumassos + seqüela de 15 més (2010-2021).

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https://t.co/9sZODZagmK hamakaze (kancolle) by hama! (3toshinhmkz)

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A mascot for the Bay of Plenty furries. Their name is Hama, the Māori word for grey.

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> 純粋に食べすぎてお腹が大きくなったチカちゃんと
チカちゃんは… https://t.co/QL8gfPxNbl


1 3

https://t.co/dYSMn7jHCI hamakaze (kancolle) by hama! (3toshinhmkz)

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Oy, had to take my time with this one! Hama!

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// yume, riosen, samaai,

a double date at hama's chinatown, anyone? 🥢

special tag; <3

30 61

ペタシグループLive @葉山海の家 OASIS

・平井ペタシ陽一 (per)
・HAMA (gamelan,riq他)
・ミッチェル (kpanlogo)
・神吉尚 (dr)
・藤川星 (wind)
・おこたんぺ (contact juggling)
・Nana (dance)
・Momo (dance)

DJ:Tommy Returntables

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8 22

Fem Touma and Accel exists so must fem Hama

5 56

Since I'm doing a 5-parter on Final Crisis, a 4-parter on Larry Hama & Nth Man, and a 52-parter on The Invisibles, should I glutton for punishment me do multi-part expansion of my Swords of Sorrow piece? On top of the one offs or broader themed sequences I have in the offing?

0 3

📢브러쉬 질감이나 텍스처, 색, 빛, 보정 등
자신의 그림체에 가장 적합한 방법으로
완성도를 높여나가고 싶다면?

캐릭터 디자인 / 일러스트 & 웹툰 오프라인 수업

매주 (월) 1 - 7 pm / 매주 (화) 1 - 7 pm

3 9

My 2nd entry is Wabah Hama: The Plague featuring a dynamic duo, creepy giant monsters, and a promise made the night before.

Check it out, leave a like and comment, and share to manifest the promise 👀

3 4

Tanto Jet como Hama se volvieron aquello que intentaban destruir, uno dispuesto a matar a miles de inocentes solo por unos maestros fuego y la otra casi haciendo que niños se maten entre si.

Avatar es revolucionaría, pero la serie no quiere que seas como estos 2. https://t.co/gE477rpRKu

0 10

On rare occasions I break my "Larry Hama G.I. Joe only" rule, didn't regret it this was a cool story. More for Major Bludd highlights than anything else and Roadblock had a classic moment. Not epic must read stuff but still a fun read regardless, great art too.

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this could cause controversy but my biggest problem with ATLA is how it depicted colonized people as villains for using violence against settlers. Characters like Jet and Hama get horrible treatment simply for fighting back the oppressing nation

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Gi Joe
Larry Hama did this diagram to help me understand what he meant for this page. I thought the hero posing was a bit stiff so i changed a bit.
Just saw he saying on FB I ignored totally his diagram.
What your thoughts on this? Did i ignored? Did i followed closely?

6 67

Because Hama Joe is Best Joe, and whatever official Hawk we get will almost certainly be a brunette, you'll note the blonde hair. But also, take a look at his collar, my other nod to Marvel '82

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オレのドリアイの記憶も投げとくね。(アナログ Hamaーwazurai)

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